Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Red Balloons

Many of you may know about my red balloon project entitled 99 Red Balloons after the song  of the same title. I came up with the concept after hearing the song while editing photos. I was further inspired to do this project after discovering the french film Le Ballon Rouge. 

The project features models in various settings and styles with red balloons. It's a very simplistic, playful, and artistic project.  In completion the project will have 99 images of models with balloons. For the first stage of the project I'm planning to start with 33 models and use 3 images of each model. Following the completion of this stage of the project I will showcase the images in gallery showings. Eventually I plan to expand the project to include 99 models and then showcase one photograph of each model, and take that series to gallery showings.

Currently I have worked with 10 models on this project since starting it this past summer. In the next month I hope to add 3 more models to this project, putting me just past a 1/3 of the way completed for the first stage of the project. Above you'll see a preview of the work I've done so far. You can view more samples on my facebook page.

Enjoy and have a happy Thanksgiving.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Good Fruit, Great Fashion

Well it's been far longer than I expected but without further adeiu here is my post on fashionable fruit.

While this may not be practical, it's a lot of fun.

The first fruit we have today is kiwifruit. The fruit gets its name from the brown flightless bird 'kiwi' which the outer fuzz resembles. The fruit is native to China but the common kiwi we see today was originally cultivated in New Zealand and interestingly enough is now primarily grown and exported from Italy. Another interesting fact is that the fruit is a berry, quite an odd look compared to common berries like blueberries and rasberries.

I chose kiwifruit due to it's wonderful color and bright fresh look.  I also chose it as the greens really compliment the models tan/olive skin. The make up shows a darker almost jade style appearance to contrast the almost peridot color of the kiwi. The black beads in the necklace highlight the small black seeds in the center of the fruit.

The second fruit we have is blueberry. Another berry, this time with wonderful deep colors. A native perienial plant in North America and Europe. Blueberries have amazing  deep blue and violet colors which are complimented nicely by the make up. In the jewelry I paired the blueberries with rectangular pewter beads to contrast the organic spheres of the blueberries.

Hopefully in the weeks to come I'll have more fruit photos I'm hoping to do a set with rasberries and  maybe something bright like grapefruit or lemons.

Also look for a post on my Red Balloon project.

Have a great day, and remember fruit isn't just healthy it's fashionable too.
